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Writer's picture: evangeline jullietevangeline julliet

DAY – 37



"I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious.” (Ex 33:19)

Dear God's Children, the most basic definition of GRACE is "Unmerited favor" or "Unconditional love" of God. The term "unmerited" refers to receiving something that we did not earn or deserve. Similarly, "Unconditional" means "beyond conditions." God's Grace is the most powerful and beautiful thing we will ever require in our lives. GRACE means that we are loved even when we are unlovable. God, in His wonderful grace, reached down to us while we were pushing back. We all sinned and fell short of God's glory (Rom 3:23), and we all deserved death by capital punishment. (Romans 6:23) As a result, God chose to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to demonstrate His unconditional love for the entire world, so that anyone who believes in Him will be spared from death. (See John 3:16)

What role does Grace play in our lives?

1) We receive God's forgiveness as a result of His unfathomable grace.

The Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (1 John 1:4) Jesus was overflowing with Grace. He became flesh for us to receive God's forgiveness by dying on the cross. God demonstrated His love for us and chose to redeem us through the life of Jesus when we were sinners. (Romans 5:8) The cross was the place where the fullness of grace shone the brightest. It was both performed and purchased there. And keep in mind that the Son of Man has the authority to forgive the sins of the entire human race. And we were forgiven because of Jesus' bloodshed. As a consequence, there is no condemnation for sin because of the freely given Grace.

2) Grace is useful in times of weakness.

"My grace is enough for You." (2 Corinthians 12:8-9)

Paul preaches to the Corinthians, who were self-sufficient and boastful, that he has nothing to boast about except his weakness because the sickness in him made Paul realize how much he needed to be dependent on God's Grace. He mentions a thorn (ailment) in His flesh and requests that God remove it. But God told him, "My grace is sufficient for you." According to many scholars, Paul suffered from epilepsy. Even if we have a thorn in our lives, we can pray to God, as Paul did, to remove it. The thorn pricking our lives and causing us to cry will be removed by His unfailing love. Remember that it is to make us realize that God's grace is sufficient to carry us, just as it did Paul.

3) Grace is the path that leads us to eternal life.

"So that, having been justified by His grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life." 3:7 (Titus) God justifies us as His children by grace through the Law of Jesus Christ. We are no longer bound by the bonds of slavery. We have been delivered from future punishment (i.e., eternal torment in hell). "By His grace," we have restored to God the Father's love and friendship, which Adam had lost. We will be transfigured and caught up to heaven in the blink of an eye at Jesus' second coming. We will always be with the Lord, and it is with this thought and these words that we are to console one another. (1Thesso 4:17-18)

Why is Grace bestowed upon us?

Grace is given in our lives in proportion to the amount of Christ's gift. (Eph 4:7) We are all saved from the darkness by the Grace that has been given to us. The ultimate goal of God's gift of grace to us is that we may be able to live for Him and serve Him.

In (Acts 6:5), we see a man named Stephen who was obedient to God and filled with His Grace. He worked great miracles and signs among the people. There was an opposition group, but the men who argued with Stephen were no match for the wisdom given to him by the Holy Spirit. As a result, the men decided to falsely accuse Stephen, labeling him a blasphemer and arresting him. Stephen was unconcerned about his earthly existence, instead deciding to stand firmly on the side of Jesus Christ, regardless of the consequences. God inspired him to speak boldly, accusing Israel of failing to recognize Jesus as their Messiah, rejecting and murdering Him, just as they had murdered Zechariah and other prophets and faithful men throughout their generations. However, his accusations were not well received by the Jews, and he was stoned to death.

During his final moments on Earth, just before stepping through the veil that separates heaven and earth: "But Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw God's glory, and Jesus standing at God's right hand." 'Look,' he exclaimed, 'I see heaven open, and the Son of Man standing at God's right hand.'

Stephen died as a Martyr for God. He lived and served the Living God. God's grace sustained him throughout his life. God's grace enabled Stephen to demonstrate that Almighty God, Jesus Christ, once died but is alive forevermore. He stood as a firm witness for Jesus, and it (Grace) eventually led him to eternal life. Because of his death, Saul, a mighty apostle who witnessed Stephen's death, was reborn, which shook Paul who was looking at Stephen's courage to give up his life for God, which stirred up Paul's emotions and completely transformed him to carry the legacy of Jesus.

Friends, the main (and only) operation of this earthly life is to live for God. To proclaim the Gospel's goodness. Grace is given to us for us to live like Stephen. To boldly proclaim that Christ is alive and well forever and ever. To tell the world about eternity spent with Him for millennia. Confession Christ at every opportunity and help to build God's Kingdom. Proclaim the Gospel with boldness. Use the gifts (Grace) that God has given you for the glory of God. Demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in your daily life. Even if your life is in danger, keep the faith. Shake the nations for the sake of His name. May God use you for His glory and the benefit of others. Let God's Grace sustain us in all we do. Amen!!

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