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Writer's picture: evangeline jullietevangeline julliet



And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church. (Eph 1:22)

Lord Jesus Christ is the supreme of all beings. He is the manifestation of the invisible God who was sent to the earth to redeem mankind. Because of his central role in our creation and redemption, Jesus is the head of the Church. The Church was established by Jesus. Through his death and resurrection, he gave birth to the Church and gave it life. Jesus encouraged his disciples to assemble and pray to God that when two or three gather in his name, he will be evident. The assembly of God's people demonstrated the people's unity and oneness. There was segregation in the church at the time as to who sat first and who sat last based on societal status. People who were physically challenged were not permitted to enter the temple. They were considered sinners, and the ailments were punishment. Religious leaders strictly adhered to these absurd practices.

However, Christ's teachings were based on love and compassion. He never turned down anyone who approached him for assistance. Once, while he was preaching, a group of small children approached him, and their parents drew them close to Jesus to bless them. Nevertheless, when the disciples notice this, they drag the children away and condemn them. They, like the religious leaders, were harsh with them. However, Jesus immediately took the little children near them and said, "The kingdom of God is like these children; whoever accepts God's kingdom as these little children enters."

The church is a place of worship for everyone. It makes no distinction between rich and poor, black and white, sinner and righteous, or any other category. It is God's domain, and he welcomes all who seek him. It's a place where you can talk to God. David, despite being a great king of Israel, dreamed of dwelling in God's sanctuary in union with him. He was never content living in a large palace and yearned to be in the sight of the Lord.

Initially, only the Levites were permitted to enter the presence of God, according to the law of Moses. He spoke with the Priests, and they delivered God's message to the people. But even so, when Christ died on the cross, the huge screen in the altar was torn down from top to bottom, allowing everyone to enter God's presence. God was no longer interested in dwelling in the structures that man had built for him, but he longed to reside in the hearts of anyone who opens for him as he knocks.

"You are the temple of God," God says (1Cor 6) and he is the head of it. He is the High Priest who entered the Holy of Holies once for all of us, offering himself as a sacrifice. We live, move, and have our being in him. The apostles were assigned to spreading the good news to people all over the world. They went on to found several congregations of people who worshipped God in truth and holiness. As his people gathered, the spirit of God descended upon them. In the church, they observed Christ's Communion in remembrance of his death for the forgiveness of sins.

The church is to obey God by obeying all of God's commandments, just as Christ obeyed the Father. Its purpose is to safeguard the people's fellowship from false preaching and preachers. Its purpose is to lead the people in the way of truth and light. It must provide comfort to all who enter without discrimination. It should never encourage unrighteousness, but rather pray for the salvation of all who are lost.

I pray that you will find a church or group that will lead you to God's love and salvation. May the Lord Jesus bless you and lead you to a place of peace and comfort.

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