DAY – 25
I am the LORD who sanctifies you. Lev 20:8
Sanctification, also known as sanctification in its verb form, literally means "to set apart for special use or purpose," that is, to make holy or sacred (compare Latin: Sanctus). The concept of sanctification is prevalent in religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity. The Almighty is a holy God who dwells in complete holiness. In his name, there is no blame or unjustness. He is a God full of marvelous light, and he is devoid of darkness. As a holy God, he desired that his people be holy so that he could dwell among them. Although he owns the skies and has glorious heaven and throne for himself, he always seeks to dwell among people out of love and care. Humans are his masterpiece of creation, and he adored them with everlasting love.
Adam, the first human, experienced God's presence daily. God would visit him and spend time talking and teaching him about various topics. He would also express his emotions and share everything with God. Adam was unaware of God's omnipotence and was conversing with God as he would with any other human. That was a representation of his intimacy with God. But the moment he sinned; he was unable to enter God's presence. Because of his guilt and disobedience, he was barred from seeing God with his own eyes. There was a schism between mortals and the immortal God.
In the Old Testament, God desired to bring mankind back into his presence. As a result, he instructed them on how to prepare themselves so that God could once again dwell among them. That's when he told Moses to get his people ready so he could come down and talk to them. Moses instructed the people to prepare themselves by washing their clothes, and by doing so, the Israelites demonstrated their understanding that God was Holy and that meeting with Him required holiness. He also advised people to avoid sexual activities. Not that sexual activity within the bond of marriage was in any way unclean, but as they prepared to meet God, as they prepared themselves spiritually, they were to abstain from any personal indulgence that would take their heart and mind away from God.
A standard was established to meet holiness requirements such as not touching human or animal corpses, not being around people with leprosy, women whose periods were unclean, not being in the house with defiling molds, and so on. The Levites who were called to the priesthood were cleansed several times before performing priestly duties in God's temple. The altar for sacrifice, the vessels used, the animals brought, and the areas inside the temple were all required to be cleansed following Moses' instructions. All of this was supposed to occur during the purification process.
Cleansing of body and Spirit.
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2Cor 7:1
God once summoned Abraham to establish a covenant between God and himself. so that God will remember this covenant through Abraham's descendants as a sign of the covenant, he asked Abraham to circumcise himself and all the men in his household. So, Abraham and his men circumcised themselves and obeyed God. It is a physical circumcision. Now, the Bible says that our body is God's temple, and God dwells in it. As a result, if we destroy the temple of God by harming our bodies, God will indeed harm us. (1 Corinthians 3:16,17)
What are the ways one can harm oneself? Bible says you shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord. (Lev 19:28) I'm sure this worries some people who already have tattoos, but God says it's an abomination. Tattoos have grown in popularity, and many people, regardless of age, have tattooed symbols on their bodies. This could represent their personality, their beliefs, their interests, and so on, but God is against it. The background on this is that Canaanites would mark their bodies using methods like branding, slashing, cutting, and otherwise mutilating their skin to especially honor their gods or mourn for their deaths. We serve a holy God, the God of Israel. The body he has given us is to be cared for, and we are accountable for it. When he is supposed to live in it, it must be holy. The Bible forbids us from worshipping our God in the manner in which pagans worship their gods. As a result, tattooing the image of Christ or the cross may be considered an offense in his eyes.
do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body. (1Cor 6:19-20)
Adultery, fornication, and the use of drugs and alcohol are also prohibited. It may appear fun and give pleasure and happiness to the rest of the world, but it is considered a sin by God. We are commanded not to quench or mourn God's spirit. When David was sentenced for adultery with Bathsheba, he begged God not to take his spirit as a punishment for his sins.
Joseph protected himself from the sin of adultery, whereas Daniel protected himself by abstaining from the royal but defiling foods. Noah stood apart from the rest of the world, protecting himself and his family, and thus was saved even when the rest of the world was destroyed.
Though the above-mentioned practices are common among people, and the world may try to persuade us with many equations and answers, when God says it's wrong, it's wrong.
I am the LORD who sanctifies you. Lev 20:8
Only God can cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Previously, God purified the people by sacrificing, sprinkling blood, washing with animal blood, and so on. It was because there could be no forgiveness without bloodshed, and without forgiveness, people were considered guilty and unclean, which prevented God from appearing to them. However, even after massive sacrifices, people's continued rebellion against God could no longer bring them salvation. To redeem them, Lord Jesus was given as an atonement. Have you ever wondered why a God would come to earth in the form of a man? And if he comes, he could use his power, but this God came in the form of a human to die for the people he loved.
Only Jesus' bloodshed had the power to draw people, no matter how rebellious they were, into obedience and understanding of God. When he was Saul, Apostle Paul was a church persecutor. He caused problems for those who accepted Christ. He was also responsible for the death of an innocent person. Steven. However, a chance encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus changed his life and inspired him to become a gospel preacher. Jesus' blood can cleanse us of our sins and change and renew our hearts to follow him.
Mekoddiskem, Lord, will purify and cleanse us of all our impurities and guide us in the path of righteousness.