DAY – 24
“The Lord is my rock.” Ps 18:2
The rock of Israel is referred to as Tzur Israel. The word rock simply means "God." It represents toughness, strength, steadiness, and reliability. These metaphors were used in a variety of ways by the prophets to convey an impression of God's unwavering character as well as the need for spiritual solidarity in the foundation and structure of our own lives. The rock is Jesus. His teachings are solid foundations upon which one can build a stable life. It may be over 2000 years old, but it still provides answers to those who seek them. It leads man in the direction he was meant to go, it brings light into the darkness, and it makes one unshakeable. Even today, we will be discussing the characteristics of the Rock of Israel.
My God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge. (2Sam 22:2)
David's life is a life of thorns. He is the youngest of his siblings and the son of a man named Jesse. He was a shepherd boy who looked after his father's sheep, while his older brother served in the King's army. David led a normal life, watching the sheep graze and safely returning them to his father's house. He was conscientious about his work. God's eyes, which travel the world in search of any heart that is righteous to him, caught sight of this young boy. God loved him because he found him to be a man after his own heart. He had bigger and more important plans for David's future. When King Saul disobeyed God and failed him, God immediately remembered the shepherd boy David and sent the prophet Samuel to anoint him as the next king. This is one of God's grand plans. When Samuel went to Jesse's house at that time, he taught himself that God would choose one of the warrior brothers to be king, but God chose young David and left everyone speechless. We must remember that God does not see us in the same way that we do. He is the God who sees far beyond what is inside a man.
After being anointed as King of Israel, David faced numerous challenges in his life. After defeating the giant Goliath, he joined the king's army. However, Saul's jealousy threatened David's life. Saul wanted to kill David to keep the kingdom for his son and despised David because of his popularity among Israelites. For many years, he pursued David with an army in a variety of locations. He also assassinated everyone who tried to protect David from his grasp. In the midst of all of this, God repeatedly saved David's life. He was a rock of protection for David, and he found refuge in God. Even after becoming King, God protected David from his son Absalom, who rebelled against the king for the throne.
God is a fortress of refuge. We may be afraid of some people, situations, calamities, ongoing pandemics, and so on, but remember that God, the rock of Israel, will protect you from all snares. A thousand may fall by your side, and tens of thousands may fall by your right side, but you will not be harmed.
There is no Rock like our God. 1Sam 2:2
The rock, the God of Israel, is capable of anything. Nothing is more complicated for him to do. Under heaven, he alone does great and mighty things. Many other so-called gods were annihilated in the face of his might. And the people who trusted in other gods could see how the true God of Israel let them down. He is the holy God. He is not an idol or merely a religious belief.
After being barren for several years, Hannah went to the presence of God and prayed, and he answered her prayers. He is the God to whom mortals bring their prayers because he hears and responds. Our God is not like other gods, nor is he like any other rock. He is the all-powerful God who sees and understands his people's suffering; he is the God who can bring solutions and turn situations to his people's advantage.
If you call his name, he will respond. And if you pray, he listens, as well as if you want to hear his voice, he can. That is why he stands out and is uneasy among the other gods.
During the construction of the buildings, workers place a stone at the corner of each edifice to guide them. When the cornerstone was laid, it became the foundation for determining every measurement in the subsequent construction; everything was aligned to it. A cornerstone is the largest, most meticulously constructed stone in the edifice.
The Lord Christ is referred to in the Bible as the cornerstone upon which our lives and foundations must be built. Just as a massive structure rises with the guidance of the cornerstone, we rise above in God’s instruction through Jesus.
The book of Isaiah contains numerous references to the coming Messiah. The Messiah is referred to as "the cornerstone" in several places, including this prophecy: "So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: 'See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed." (Is 28:17)
When Jesus was on earth, he used a parable to teach his disciples the importance of a solid foundation of faith. He said that anyone who hears his preaching and puts it into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on a solid rock; the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did not fall because it was built on solid rock. On the other hand, anyone who only listens to his teachings but never applies them in real life is regarded as a fool who builds his house on mud. The rain fell, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, causing it to collapse with a loud bang.
The rain, the rising of streams, and the mighty winds all allude to the world's troubles and temptations. According to the Bible, faith without works is dead. As a result, we must not only hear God's word but also apply it to our lives to triumph.
As previously stated, Our God is the rock of safety, and the Israelites drank the spiritual drink from the streams of this rock. When Moses struck the rock to provide water for the thirsty Israelites, they all drank from it and were satisfied. He is the rock that was broken and wounded as a result of our sin. Nothing can shake us when he is in our lives. No temptation or adversity can bring us down. When there was a problem, God's people immediately went to his refuge and were saved and provided for. And, just like them, when we go to him, he will meet our needs.
May Tzur Israel be your eternal God, who will protect and bless you abundantly.