DAY – 22
"MARANATHA" is a Word that means "Our Lord has come." The word is used only once in the Bible by Apostle Paul. Paul's writings were always focused on what and how to be, as well as what and how not to be. He never used lakhs of words or beat around the bush, to tell the truth. He writes to the people of Corinth as part of a correspondence with the believers to address serious issues in the church and to instruct them on how to carry their faith in the gospel mission. He insisted on the believers abstaining from worldly practices and remaining pure through the word of God that he taught. He stressed the significance of demonstrating Jesus in people's lives through love.
He was always emphasizing the fact that earthly sufferings were only temporary. He was certain that it was only through the narrow path that we would be able to reach eternal life. Lord Jesus also taught his disciples that anyone who wishes to follow him must bear his cross and follow him. When the Lord gave Moses his commandments, there were so many laws that people began to break them, believing that they stifled freedom. However, God created man to live freely according to his desires. He gave them authority to rule over everything that was created. But man rejected that freedom, disobeyed God, and chose the bonds of slavery. It was always the other way out. So, to discipline him, to make him do, speak, and act justly, God gave him certain rules to follow.
But man's ingenuity began to find loopholes. For example, God commanded that a man not abandon his parents in their old age, but rather take care of them and meet their needs with love and care. Instead of caring for their parents, they made a korban offering, which nullified the command to honor father and mother. Lord Jesus condemned those preachers in Mark 7 as hypocrites who appear to be righteous on the outside but are unrighteous on the inside. Man failed to follow the laws that were given to discipline him, which enraged God.'
Mankind lived in wickedness, rivalries, hatred, corruptions, abominations, adultery, murder, and so on. They also defiled themselves by participating in cult practices. People who were zealous for God, on the other hand, were persecuted, murdered, and neglected by the world. God's servants and prophets were martyred regularly. Prophets such as Elijah, who was considered a man of sufferings, fled for his life from Queen Jezebel. Despite living a blameless life, Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den as a result of the intention to kill him. Zechariah was assassinated in the holy temple, right in front of the altar. The king of Judah cut Isaiah in half and killed him. People put their lives in danger to live the way God commanded.
We would have also gone through the agony, shame, and sufferings of accepting Christ. The world appears to rejoice and be satisfied with worldly pleasures, while we are tormented, harassed, and abused simply for the sake of Jesus. And on several occasions, we would have considered giving up and returning to how the rest of the world lives. But, My Dear Friends, I assure you today that your pain will not be in vain. It will be highly rewarding. All your labors for the sake of Christ have already been recognized by him, and he will uplift your lives as his glory descends on you. God will not abandon you in the face of a world that mocks you.
Lord Jesus came to earth to fulfill the laws that a man could not, taking the form of a man with no godly advantages and leaving us a footprint to follow. He went through agony and pain from birth to death and resurrection.
Men despised him and mistreated him. The world mocked him and even referred to him as Satan's leader. Nonetheless, the father was always with him, sustaining him to overcome the world. And, by his grace, we are also called to triumph, just as Jesus did.
When the Corinthians' faith was eroding, Paul encouraged them that their hardship is insignificant in comparison to the joy that awaits them on the day of Jesus. He encouraged them even more by writing to them that the Savior, God Jesus, would return a second time to take all of his children to eternal glory.
Our Lord will come to us to take us to be with him for all eternity. As the archangel blows the trumpet, he will appear in the clouds with a swarm of angelic troops. And that is the call for us, and as we hear it, the spirit of God transforms us into spirits, and we will be with our Lord. The earth and everything on it is temporal. We will be in a place where there is no pain, death, or tears, only joy. When you hear wars, famines, pandemics, earthquakes, the moon turning to blood, and the meteorites falling, Jesus says it's a sign that the Lord Jesus is on his way to take you to be with him. We are witnessing everything that God forewarned us about. He will indeed come to judge the world, and the rewards for men's deeds will accompany God.
We must be ready at all times, just like the virgins who waited for the bride's entrance. And this time, God's son will not appear as a lamb or redeemer. He will come as a judge and the lion of Judah to judge all mankind. Many people predicted the end times in the same way that the prophets predicted the Messiah.
Today, I pray that God will prepare your hearts for his coming and sustain you to overcome the world's tribulations. God, Maratha, we're waiting for you to take us home. Please assist my other family members and friends in accepting and receiving the knowledge of Christ. Forgive my sins and cleanse me. Wash it away and purify me. By your grace, guide me into eternity. Amen!