DAY – 18
" Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore, He will rise to show compassion. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed is all who wait for Him.! (Isaiah 30:18)
Dear God's Children, the word "compassion" appears frequently in the Bible. However, what exactly is Compassion? 'Compati' means "to suffer with" in Latin. Other people's sufferings and sorrows become our own. Our God is merciful. He is full of mercy and abounds in "steadfast love," and He shows His compassion to all creatures. There is no greater manifestation of compassion than our Lord Jesus Christ, who came down for us and died on the cross. When the Lord saw that mankind was perishing, He couldn't bear it and desired that we be set free. As a result, He gave His son, Lord Jesus Christ, who at Calvary paid our debts and set us free.
After the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land of Canaan, they continued to defy God and His commandments through Moses. Even though God made a covenant with them and chose them to be a Holy Nation, they consistently rejected God's grace. They relied on their strength and intermarried with strangers, worshipping foreign gods and erecting altars to them. God counseled and warned them to return to Him through His Prophets, but the Israelites slaughtered all of the Prophets God sent to them. As a result of God's wrath, they were taken as captives by other nations. They struggled in strange lands. The Lord did not abandon them or turn His back on His people's plight. He arose with greater compassion for His Children and redeemed them.
Examine the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
As previously stated, Christ was the embodiment of the Lord's compassion and mercy. For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus, as a ransom for us. Wherever Jesus went, He spread the gospel and was filled with God's love for others. He eagerly embraced everyone who came to Him. Nain, a small farming village on the east side of the Jezreel Valley, was nestled up against Mount Moreh. The town itself was a little out of the way. The village was only accessible via a single road. This town has encircled as few as 34 homes and 189 people at times in its history. After healing the centurion's servant in Capernaum, Lord Jesus Christ entered the city with a large group of disciples.
Capernaum is located 600 feet (183 meters) below sea level on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Nain is located about 30 miles (48 kilometers) southwest of Capernaum and is 700 feet (213 meters) above sea level, necessitating an uphill climb. It would have taken at least one or two days to walk from Capernaum to Nain. It takes ten hours to travel today. This means that Jesus had to get up very early or even walk through the night to intercept the burial procession "the day after."
As the Lord Jesus Christ approached the city, a young man in his twenties was being carried out in a burial slab. He was the family's only son, and his mother was a widow. In this unfortunate family tragedy, she was accompanied by a large group of people. The widow's heart would have shattered if she hadn't gone crying inconsolably behind her son's corpse, hopeless and devastated. When the Lord Jesus Christ encountered the possession, He had "great compassion on her." (Matthew 7:13) Jesus somehow sensed the widow's utter frustration. She might have prayed to the Heavenly Father to restore his son's life, or she might have questioned his miserable and lonely existence. We don't know. But we do know that the Savior chose to leave Capernaum right away, which may have necessitated Him walking through the night to intercept the burial procession just before they buried the body.
Yes, Jesus felt great compassion for this woman when He saw her tear-stained face as she walked behind the procession, but it appears that His compassion stemmed from feelings He had long before He "happened" to intercept that burial entourage. He had planned to be there for her in her hour of need. The widow was then told by Jesus not to "weep." When he touched the bier, the possession came to a halt. "Young man, I say unto thee, arise," he said. And he who was dead rose to his feet and began to speak. And [Jesus] handed him over to his mother. ” What a powerful God we serve!
That's Lord Jesus speaking for You and Me. He is a God who is patiently waiting to be gracious. He is a God of Righteousness. Are you as broken as the window today? Do not be concerned or silent. Look up to the Lord Jesus right away; He will come to you and deliver you from all bonds. He will heal your every ailment and bring you joy. He will not break a bruised reed, nor will he extinguish a flickering candle. He is a compassionate God.
Let us not be satisfied with simply being filled with God's love. Rather, put on compassionate hearts, kindness and humility, meekness, and patience as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved. (2 Corinthians 3:12) Let the world know about this God of grace and mercy who lives in each of us. May God shower us with His love and grace. Amen!!