DAY - 16
The presence of light can be felt in the presence of darkness. A single lamp can dispel a large amount of darkness. When God decided to make the earth and the universe, he first made light out of the darkness. He placed two large lights called the sun and the moon to rule the day and the night, respectively. "God is light, and there is no darkness in him," the Bible says. He is the source of light, from which the sun and moonshine. The power of darkness trembles in his presence.
To comprehend the majesty of God's presence, we must first grasp the dominion of darkness. Where did the darkness come from? Before the earth was created, there were Angels in God's kingdom. They were split into three battalions. One group of Angels was created under the Archangel Gabriel and was known as messenger angels, another group was created under the Archangel Michael and was known for battling, and the third group was created under the Archangel Lucifer and was known for praising and worshipping God at all hours of the day and night.
They were devoted to God while working in their respective fields. Until one day, when Lucifer rebelled against God and gathered the support of other angels in his cause. Out of pride and jealousy, Lucifer considered capturing God's throne and rising above him. As a result, God punished Lucifer and his angels, expelled them from heaven, and cast them into the depths of darkness. (Is 14:12-15) Following that, Lucifer and his angels were unable to withstand God's presence and began to live and rule in the darkness.
In John 8:12, "Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world." Whoever follows me will not walk in the dark, but the light of life." When man sinned against God, the world was given to the authority of Satan and his angels. Since then, Satan and his dominion have been prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 So, to overcome the schemes of the enemy, we wrestle against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Eph 6:12
Lord Jesus Christ was sent to us to deliver us from the dominion of darkness and destruction. A great light has shone on the people who live in darkness, and a light has dawned on those who live in the land of the shadow of death." Matthew 4:16 This verse expresses the reason for Christ's birth. He came as a savior to save us from the evil one. Let’s discuss how the light of Christ operates in our lives?
1. A light that dispels fear.
The LORD is my light and my salvation whom shall, I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1
Many people are terrified of the dark. They believe that bad things happen at night, such as predators and vicious animals coming out to play. However, many people are afraid of the darkness that occurs during the night, making it difficult for them to fall asleep comfortably.
The Light of God vanishes the fear of darkness and death. Ps 91 says, “You will not fear the terror of night,”
As Pharaoh continued to deny sending the Israelites out of Egypt, God finally directed Moses to tell the people of Israel to hold the Passover feast that night. To protect the members of the household during the Passover feast, the people were required to sacrifice a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the door's threshold. That night, God sent the Angel of Death to kill all the firstborn in Egypt, both human and cattle, to demonstrate his power to the stubborn Pharaoh. And as the angel of death passes through Israel, God commands him not to enter the house' with the blood on the door. The Egyptian firstborn died that night, just as the Lord had predicted, and the Israelites heard a great cry of mourning.
The Israelites, on the other hand, were delivered by God. None of them were killed. God shielded them and their families. Even in the dark, they had no fear of death because God's light protected them.
2. Light that shows a path.
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. Ps 119:105
The light of God illuminates our path. The light alludes to God's word. When we walk following God's word, we can walk safely and find our way even in the dark.
After losing his firstborn, Pharoah finally granted the Israelites freedom. They marched triumphantly out of Egypt on the night of the last plague. They traveled until they arrived at the Red Sea, where they pitched their tents and waited for God's guidance to continue their journey. They were resting when they heard a cacophony of chariots and horses behind them. They saw Pharoah and his army chasing them down to kill them where they were found. The Israelites were terrified and trembled in the face of the massive army. In front of them was a huge sea, and in the back was Pharaoh, leaving them with no way to flee. They cried and yelled to Moses to deliver them from Pharaoh's clutches.
God heard his people's cries and instructed Moses to display his staff in front of the sea. When the staff was pointed towards the sea, the Great Sea split in two, allowing the Israelites to pass through. The sea remained motionless throughout the night, and the Pillar of Fire guided them as they walked in the dark.
The pharaoh's army that pursued them was drowned by the sea as it came down to itself. When there appears to be no way, God's light illuminates the path.
This divine light leads us to the eternal kingdom. When we cling to his word and walk following his statutes, he will protect us and show us the path we should take. He directs the path of the righteous, and God watches over their steps.
JEHOVAH ORI, the Lord, help and guide me to walk in your light. Please assist me in obeying all of your commands. Show me where I need to go. May the darkness fade away and your face shines down on me. amen!