DAY – 14
" I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. " (Rev 22:13)
The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet are represented by the words Alpha and Omega. JESUS CHRIST, our God, is the Alpha and Omega. JESUS CHRIST is the Alpha because He existed before the foundations were laid. He'll be the Omega because He'll be there at the end. In the simplest terms, He has always existed and will always exist. He is the source of all creation. Christ, as the second Person of the Trinity, is the one who brought about creation. "All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that has been made." (John 1:3), and "His Second Coming will herald the beginning of the end of creation." 2 Peter 3:10 As God incarnate, He has no beginning and no end in terms of time, being from everlasting to everlasting.
It has been prophesied that Jesus will be the focal point of history. "Before Abraham was, I am," Jesus once told the Jews, implying that I existed before Abraham. (Matthew 8:58) Even before Adam was created, Jesus, as the Logos, the "Word," was taking part in the works of creation alongside his Heavenly Father. He was "the beginning of God's creation." (Revelation 3:14) He was God's only direct creation, and as John testifies, "without Him, nothing was made that was made." 1 John 1:3 Now, this Jesus is also the Alpha in our lives. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, lived nearby. Because of all the miracles Jesus performed, he admits that God must have sent him. So, Jesus told Nick an important firm truth: no one can see God's kingdom unless they are born again. (John3:3) Nicodemus, perplexed by the impossibility of physical rebirth, asked Jesus, "How can someone be born again in the mother's womb?" Nicodemus was sincere in his search for God and wanted to comprehend the heavenly concept. Jesus, who recognized Nicodemus' thirst, dispelled his doubt by saying, "Flesh gives birth to flesh, Spirit gives birth to Spirit." (See John 3:6) We were born in flesh through our mother's womb, indicating physical birth. There is a concept known as spiritual rebirth. And we can only enter the kingdom of Heaven if we are born again in Spirit, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit assists us in our spiritual birth.
When we are born in spirit, our old self dies and we become a new being in Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Our previous rotten sinful life has been taken away from us. In this new life, Jesus takes on the role of the Alpha. He takes our hands in his and begins to walk with us every day, just as a Father would. He makes important decisions, plans, and shapes our lives. He guides, guards, assists, and teaches us to be like Him until we reach eternity. He, like Jesus, assists us in overcoming the world.
In Revelations, John, the revealer, saw the creation of a New Heaven and New Earth in which there is no more death or mourning; all evildoers have been destroyed in the lake of fire. (Rev 21) Jesus ascended into Heaven in front of the disciples on Mount Olives after His resurrection. (Acts 1:9-12) After He (Jesus) went to His Father, two Angels appeared and told the disciples, who were gazing at the ascending Jesus, that the same Jesus who went up into Heaven would return, indicating the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus' return is not to finally renew creation, but to deliver and recompense those who faithfully testified to him in the face of Roman persecution: "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done." (Revelation 22:12) He will reign forever and ever, defeating Satan and his army of fallen angels. He will gather all those who trusted Him. They will spend eternity with Jesus, who will reign over them in the New Heaven and Earth.
Dear God's Children, this world and the life we live will pass away one day. However, our faith in Him will lead us to Jesus, the giver of eternal life. "Behold, I am coming very soon," Jesus has promised. (Revelation 22:20) Yes, He is on His way to take us with Him. Prepare others and yourself to meet Him.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I love you. We eagerly await your arrival. Prepare ourselves and our families to take part in Your second coming. We entrust our Soul, Spirit, and Body to thee. Assist us in becoming victorious like You. Help us to gain a better understanding of Jesus Christ. Let us gather as many souls for your kingdom as we can. Protect and guide us. In the name of Jesus, Amen!