DAY – 11
I am the LORD, who heals you. Exodus 15:26
Diseases exist everywhere. All creations, including animals and humans, are infected with various types of infections. Infectious, deficiency, hereditary, and physiological diseases are the four types of ailments. A large number of diseases are discovered and added to the list at all times. Medicines are only discovered for a few diseases. Humans are subjected to difficult medical conditions regularly.
According to the Bible, God created a planet with a diverse range of flora and fauna. And as God's masterpiece, the Man was created to rule over them. It was a healthy planet when God created them. God regarded them favorably and adored them. Everything he made was flawless. There was nothing but joy all around, and the animals were perfectly obedient to their master Man. Furthermore, the soil, water, air, and plants all provided medicinal value to the first man. Life on the planet was perfect and happy.
As Man's life was becoming stable and peaceful, Satan entered and deceived them into disobeying God. His plan of sabotaging perfection was successfully carried out by the first couple. And as a result of their rebellion, God cursed them and expelled them from his presence. Because of man's disobedience, the earth was cursed, and everything on it suffered. For the living beings, life became dreadful. Nature's harmony was shattered. Harmful viruses and bacteria began to wreak havoc on the creature.
Even though the Lord cursed the earth and man, he was willing to save mankind from the earth's pestilence because of his unquenchable love for his creations. He declared that he will heal anyone who obeys and respects his name. Many biblical characters suffered from terrible diseases and were miraculously healed by God's power.
Healing in the Old Testament.
God healed many in the Old Testament to prove his love and his unfathomable power. God's way has always been to support his men and their message with signs and wonders that men could believe in.
There are two major periods in the Old Testament when such activities were prevalent. The first occurred during Moses' time, and the second occurred during the consecutive ministries of Elijah and Elisha. There were far more supernatural events recorded in each of these two eras than in the rest of the Old Testament combined.
The Israelites had to pass through several cities and nations on their way to inherit Canaan. Before crossing the border, they had to obtain permission from the ruler. Because of the threat of war, many of the nation's kings refused to allow them to pass through their country. As a result, the Israelites had to fight each of them to continue their journey. As a result, they were exhausted and tired. The desert heat tested their faith and sapped their strength. So, they fought with Moses and their God. Despite witnessing God's incredible work, they continued to question him about food and water, which enraged God. As a result, he sent venomous snakes in them. They bit people, and many were killed as a result.
As he watched the people perish, Moses pleaded with God to stop him. He begged God for mercy and assistance in saving their lives. God granted his request and directed Moses to create a bronze serpent pole that will bring life to anyone who sees it. Thus, God healed everyone who had been bitten.
God demonstrated his tremendous power through 2 sequential people, Elijah and Elisha. They could raise the dead, bring a barren woman to deliver a child, heal leprosy, and so on. Whoever went to the prophet of God with a chronic condition was healed by God's power.
Healed by Word.
The authority over everything under the sky and in heaven was given to Lord Jesus. He was given to mankind to destroy Satan, the power of death. His words were so authoritative that the devil responded by obeying.
A devil-possessed man lived in Gerasene's territory. He was imprisoned in tombs and bound with heavy chains. However, he frequently ripped the chains apart and broke the iron rods from his feet. No one had the strength to subdue him. He used to scream and cut himself with stones all day and night in the tombs and on the hills.
One day, while Jesus was visiting the area to preach the gospel, the same devil-possessed man identified Jesus and begged him not to torture them. However, Jesus, the compassionate God, desired to deliver the man from the evil and inquired of the devil as to its name. The devil replied, "Legion," which means "many."
In many unexplainable ways, the man was tortured by the power of darkness. As a result, Jesus commanded the devil to leave the man. Through his words, he directly challenged Satan's power. And as soon as Jesus spoke those words, the devil flew out of the man's mouth.
Another incident was recorded in Mark 5. Jairus, as ruler of the synagogue, would look after the building and select who would attend the services. He would have been a well-known and respected figure. Jairus was a prominent Jewish leader, but he was now helpless. His 12-year-old daughter was on the verge of death.
So he dashed to Jesus and begged him to come to his house and heal his dying daughter. Jesus agreed to accompany him. Jesus had to perform another healing while they were on their way. As a result, there was a delay in their journey. However, as he approached Jairus' house, a few of Jairus' men approached them to inform them that the daughter had died. Despite hearing this report, Jesus proceeded to the room where her mortal was kept. When he saw men and women gathered to mourn, he ordered the crowd to leave the house. He then approached the young girl and said, Talitha cumi. The dead girl immediately responded by rising.
The word of Jesus Christ brought several healings in his ministry.
Healed by TOUCH
Lord Jesus once paid a visit to Peter's home. He noticed Peter's mother-in-law had a high fever while he was at Peter's house. She was unable to work because she was in bed. Even though she was being treated by several doctors, her temperature was extremely high. The old lady had a fever and was in critical condition on her deathbed.
He took the woman's hand in his and helped her up. The fever vanished instantly, and there was no sign of the weakness that might be expected in a person who had been running a fever. The fever left the woman after Jesus rebuked it, and she began to serve the guests.
Nain was a small farming village during Jesus' time, nestled up against Mount Moreh, which defined the east side of the Jezreel Valley. The town itself was off the beaten path. It was only accessible by a single road.
As Christ approached the city after a long journey, a young man, probably in his twenties, was being carried out on a burial slab. In this tragic family tragedy, she was accompanied by a large group of villagers. When Jesus saw her tear-stained face as she walked behind the procession, He felt great compassion for her. The widow was then told by Jesus to "weep not". He "touched the bier," and the procession "stood still," unafraid of ritual uncleanness. "Young man, arise," he said.
"And he who was dead arose and began to speak." And [Jesus] handed him over to his mother." The crowd of villagers and Jesus' followers were naturally taken aback as their shared grief turned to pure joy. "They all glorified God, saying, A great prophet has risen among us."
While Jesus was traveling to cities, he came across a man who was born blind. In Jewish traditions, diseases and ailments were regarded as a source of sin. When the disciples saw the man, they asked Jesus if he was born defective because of his sin or because of his parents' sins. Jesus responded by saying that he was blind to demonstrate God's power in him.
He then approached the man, spit his saliva from his mouth, made clay, and rubbed it in the blind man's eyes. He instructed the man to go to the pool of Siloam and clean his eyes to be granted sight.
The Pool of Siloam (a spring-fed pool of freshwater used for purification) represents the man's progress toward greater physical and spiritual purity because he washed off the mud that Jesus had applied to his eyes, and his faith was rewarded with a miracle as a result.
Whenever Jesus healed people, he was interested to know their faith in his power. He touched many and healed them.
But there’s a remarkable story of a woman who touched the end of his garment and was healed. "A large crowd surrounded and followed him. And there was a woman there who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had been through a lot under the care of many doctors and had spent everything she had, but instead of getting better, she got worse.
When she learned about Jesus, she approached him in the crowd and touched his cloak, thinking, "If I just touch his clothes, I'll be healed." Her bleeding stopped immediately, and she felt in her body that she was no longer in pain. Jesus immediately realized that his power had vanished. "Who touched my clothes?" he asked as he turned around in the crowd.
The disciples, unaware of what has happened, respond incredulously, "everyone!" But Jesus recognizes that something significant has occurred, something unexpected and unplanned, and that power has left him. He's aware that someone's touch was one of faith, and he'd like to find out who it was. The woman came in front of the crowd and witnessed the glory of God in her body.
When we pray to God, the stripes of Jesus heal us. God's power is alive and active, proving that he is still alive today.
If you want to be healed today, say this prayer from the bottom of your heart.
Jehovah Lord Rapha, Thank you for the healing power that manifests in people's lives to demonstrate your greatest power. Thank you for bearing the cross to save me.
Please assist me or a sick relative in receiving your healing today. I have faith in your abilities and have surrendered myself to you. May your glory fill my life so that I can be a witness in your name. In Jesus' name. amen!