DAY – 10
Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them?” The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. Matt 9:15
Marriage is regarded as a two-person commitment of love, trust, and loyalty. It is founded on the principles of hope and responsibility. It is the most beautiful and pure union of hearts and souls. It physically, emotionally, and spiritually joins two different people into one. To be successful in the relationship, it is necessary to have a high level of mutual understanding and patience.
A bridegroom is a man who is about to marry or who has recently married. He is ecstatic about his wedding day and can't wait to marry his chosen bride. God frequently calls Israel to be his wedded wife in the Bible. God's relationship with the Children of Israel foreshadows a husband's relationship with his wife. God loved his people and was devoted to them. He was always with them in their ways and had never abandoned them. His people, the Israelites, on the other hand, were unfaithful to him. They rejected God, worshipped pagan gods, and defiled themselves. God repeatedly warned them to return to him through various prophets, but the Israelites were unwilling to worship God and rebelled against him in a multitude of ways.
God came down in the form of a man named Jesus Christ to redeem His people, of Jerusalem. He forgives Israel's sins and accepts her as his wife. He is the bridegroom chosen for the day of the wedding of the Lamb, as described in the revelation. And the Church or the bride must be ready at any time for the wedding.
Certain characteristics outline the bridegroom in the Bible,
God's love is unfailing. He has an everlasting love for us. His affection knows no bounds. It is a love that expects nothing but love in return. It is God's deepest love that has been offered for the redemption of mankind.
To flee Esau, Jacob was sent to the house of his uncle, Laban. He fell in love with Rachel, Laban's youngest daughter, while there. He worked for Laban for the first seven years after Laban made a contract allowing him to marry his daughter only if he worked for seven years. So, after seven years, Jacob insisted on marrying Rachel to him. Laban, on the other hand, deceived him by sending his first daughter, Leah, to him. Jacob argued about the contract after being offended by Laban's behavior. Laban, on the other hand, duped Jacob into working for another seven years to marry Rachel. Jacob, devastated but determined, worked tirelessly to marry Rachel.
According to the Bible, Jacob didn't get tired of working for Rachel for 14 years because he had an unending love for her.
God's unending love was willing to persevere in redeeming the Israelites from their sins. He did not abandon his mission of restoring their hearts to his righteous ways. God was patiently waiting for them to return to him, even if it took several years. This is the perfect love of God’s unceasing or unwavering love for his people.
The Lord Jesus Christ adored three siblings, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. He pays them frequent visits and dines with them. They, too, loved God so much and always welcomed him into their home with great enthusiasm. Lazarus became ill and died while Jesus was away from town. The sisters requested that Lord Jesus come to them right away, but Jesus delayed for three days. When he returned on the fourth day, he saw them Jesus wept. When the crowd that had gathered to console them saw Jesus crying, they whispered to one another, "How he loved them." The tears in Jesus' eyes expressed his deep affection for the family. He can't just sit there crying, but he also performed a miracle by resurrecting the dead Lazarus.
Christ's unending love will comfort you and open the door to miracles. The bible says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." God's love for us is given to us to enjoy and delight in.
You are expected to honor God by lavishly loving your partner. They may be flawed in some ways, but greater love will cause you to love them despite their flaws. And if your partner isn't showing you affection, pray to God to change his heart toward you.
Jealousy comes from one’s ego. It damages and destroys the hearts of others. It taints relationships and wreaks havoc on our hearts. It can cause us to mistreat others or overlook the blessings in our own lives. The more we are enslaved by a desire for the possessions of others, the less we can be grateful for our own lives. Such jealousy prevents us from loving others and even God.
Examine the Lord Jesus Christ's nature. Once, his disciples discovered a man in a particular town who performed miracles like Jesus. They witnessed people being healed in God's name. As a result, they rushed to Jesus and complained to him. They also requested that Jesus stop him. But, to their surprise, Jesus said, "Do not stop him, for he, too, is a man who builds God's kingdom." He went on to say that if anyone believes in me, he will accomplish more than I did.
Lord Jesus always encouraged his disciples to strive to become better people worthy of being God's citizens. When they arrived, he delighted them by reporting that they, too, could perform miracles like Jesus. Jesus never condemned them or said, "No, you cannot duplicate me," but rather, "You will do many great things in my name."
Because love comes from God, it does not envy. And if a heart is filled with jealousy, it is the work of Satan, because Satan envied God and fell from his throne.
Love always has faith in one another. It always pulls the other person in and cheers them up when they are down. It does not condemn the other but is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of another's dream.
Abraham and Sarah were the Old Testament couple known for their faith. When God called Abraham to leave his homeland and travel to another country, he immediately went and told Sarah to prepare for the journey. The land was both Abraham's and Sarah's ancestral home. But when Abraham mentioned God's command, Sarah, despite knowing nothing about the new god, believed Abraham.
She accompanied Abraham to locations she was unaware of. She only had faith in God and her husband. She also believed in the promise that God made to Abraham and waited patiently for it to be fulfilled. As a result, she became known as the mother of the nation of Israel.
God never destroyed or abandoned Israel because of its flaws. In hope, he waited for them to return. So he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem them through the blood covenant.
He is the groom who is waiting for the church, and we are the church for him.
All he asks is that we are loyal to him and love him. Let us, as the bride, prepare ourselves in holiness to meet God.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the eternal love you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for being patient with us when we messed up. Thank you for rescuing me from the darkness and bringing me into your wonderful light. I present myself to you holy to be the bride in the church. Bless me and my family with the ability to walk uprightly. In Jesus' name, amen!