Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Heb 4:14
Jesus, the Son of God, was sent to earth to serve as a ransom for us, rescuing us from the encroaching darkness. We were able to reconcile with the Father through him and have eternal life in heaven because of him. Jesus Christ's sacrifice is the greatest sacrifice made to redeem all of humanity. When He was sinless, Jesus was made to pay our debt for our sins. He was sent to earth with specific tasks to complete, and he did everything following Father's will. Today, we will discuss his role as the great high priest.
After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they spent a long time in the wilderness, camping near Mount Sinai. And while they were resting there, God called up Moses to the mountain for 40 days so that he could speak to him about the covenant that he had made with the people of Israel. As such Moses prepared himself and went to the mountain early in the morning, where he stayed for 40 days and nights. Meanwhile, the Israelites were concerned about a lack of leadership due to Moses' absence. So, Aaron summoned them to bring their gold ornaments and fashioned a calf as an idol for them to worship. The Israelites worshipped the calf and boasted that "this calf brought us out of Egypt."
After 40 days, Moses returned to the people and found them half-naked and drunk in front of the calf. In a fit of rage, he shattered the commandment tablets written on the idol by God's finger. He raised his voice and condemned Israel for their idolatry, saying that those on God's side could approach him while the rest could oppose him. The tribe of Levi immediately joined Moses in honoring God after hearing those words. The Levites were then given the task of killing anyone who practiced idolatry, as instructed by Moses. God saw the Levites' actions as just.
When the inherited land of Canaan was to be divided among the 12 tribes of Israel, God declared that the Levites would have no inheritance but that God Himself would be their inheritance. He bestowed priesthood upon them, allowing them to worship and serve the Lord at his altar and to dwell in his holy sanctuary. The rest of the tribes were forbidden from living in the tabernacle, entering the holiest of holies, sacrificing, making offerings, taking care of everything inside the tabernacle, and wearing priestly garments because Levites chose to obey God and stand for him.
You might be wondering how Jesus, a member of the tribe of Judah, could be a high priest.
"If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law," says Hebrews 8:4. A priest's important role is to enter the most Holy God's sanctuary and offer the sacrifices that each individual or family brings. As a result, Jesus, the High Priest, is distinguished by entering the holy place and submitting himself as an atonement for the sins of many. Instead of animal blood, Christ's blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins. According to the order of Melchizedek, Jesus is the High Priest, and Christ can be both King and Priest.
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our frailties, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrew 4:15) Jesus, the High Priest, understands your anguish and can help you triumph over it. The death of Jesus on the cross tore the altar screen at the temple, allowing everyone to enter the throne of grace. As a result, if you are having difficulty enduring trials and temptations, simply approach the mercy seat.
There is no sin that he cannot forgive, nor any weakness that he cannot help. With his everlasting love and abundant grace, he will guide you through all the trials that lie ahead of you and present you blameless before the throne of the Father.
I encourage you to seek his presence for deliverance, healing, peace, and victory. May the High Priest Jesus be with you and keep you safe at all times. Amen!