Avinu Malkeinu – DAY 4
"Our Father, Our King"
As a father has compassion for his children,
So, the Lord has compassion for those who fear him. Ps103:13
Our God is our Heavenly Father, who loves, provides for, teaches, and guides us on the right path. As we know, He is a God, who is mighty in power, marvelous in deeds, and unfathomable in understanding, he is also a loving God and a compassionate Father. His nature has been misinterpreted at times as a harsh and intolerant personality, whereas in reality, our God is a caring gentle Father. He disciplines those he cares about in the same way that a father would delight in his son. (Proverbs 3:12) The word Avinu in Hebrew refers to “Our Father.” The latter part of the word “Malkeinu” means “Our King.” Bible records that, He is the King of all kings. He reigns over the nations and sits on His holy throne. (Ps 47:8) He holds the authority to rule over the nations wisely and justly. The people of the country adore him and rejoice in his integrity and live in peace. Today, we will look at the two different aspects of God, Avinu Malkeinu.
1. God, our Father.
According to the Bible, when we accept the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts, he immediately becomes our father and we become his children. (See John 1:12) It is a privilege that Heaven has bestowed upon us to be His sons and daughters. When we become His children, we begin to walk and live in His light. Everything he owns becomes ours. We ask in His name, and He hears and answers. His hand protects us when we are in trouble. He consoles us when we face adversity. He, like our biological father, becomes the closest member of our family with whom we can share everything. God was present with the Israelites in the same way that a father would be. Because of His great love for them, He performed mighty signs and wonders never seen before in the world and brought them to Canaan. They saw his dwelling in the form of a cloud and fire pillar. It guided them on their way. When they were hungry, it was His hand that provided Manna and quail. He quenched their thirst and carried them like a father would carry his son. (Deuteronomy 1:31) He is your and my Father God. God loves each of us completely and eternally. God sent Jesus Christ as a ransom for our sins out of love for us. Some characteristics stand out when it comes to fatherhood.
A. He instructs and guides us.
According to Proverbs 1:8, "Listen, my son, to your father's instruction, and do not neglect your mother's teaching." The father's primary responsibility is to teach his child the good and the bad. He teaches his children good morals and values, honesty and integrity, and all the lessons of life through his experience. He is their mentor, guiding them safely and steadily. He prepares his children to face life's challenges with courage.
When we read about King David's life, we learn that he ruled the Kingdom of Israel for 40 years. He had many sons and daughters in Israel, and God chose Solomon to be the next ruler from among them. God manifested Himself to David and revealed His plans for Solomon. So, after hearing all of God's words, David went immediately to his son Solomon, who was a young boy at the time and taught him all of God's law, which he had practiced since his youth. He instilled in Solomon the qualities of leadership and responsibilities required for a successful career. Furthermore, He announced God's plan to the assembled Israelites and delegated authority to Solomon in front of them. He also ensured that Solomon had all of the materials he needed to build the Holy Temple. Before ascending to the throne, David ensured that Solomon was properly prepared to lead the nation of Israel. God nurtures us to be victorious in the same way and as we obey his words, he guides us with his wisdom and understanding.
When God created the beautiful garden of Eden, he gave Adam and Eve dominion over it. God taught them how to plow the land, sow the seeds, and reap the harvest as they began their lives, as well as how to water the plants and enjoy their fruits. He visited them every day and discussed things that are profitable to them. (Is 48:17) n the same way, God will teach you the things you find difficult to learn. He will bestow wisdom on you for you to comprehend the complexities of life. Do not worry.
B. He loves us.
According to John (3:16), "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son." God's love was revealed to us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The center of love and compassion in the Lord Jesus Christ. And on the cross, sacrificial love was displayed for us through Jesus. He loves each of us unconditionally and without discrimination.
Examine the life of Joseph. In Jacob's old age, he had a son named Joseph. Joseph's mother died when he was a child. As a result, Jacob adored Joseph more than any of his brothers. He showed more concern for him and prioritized Joseph's needs above all others. Every day, he spends the majority of his time with Joseph. And as an expression of love, Jacob made Joseph an ornate robe one day. Joseph was the only one who received the robe, not his brothers. Joseph was overjoyed with the robe and the disguised love. Jacob taught Joseph about the fear of God and insisted on his obedience to God at all times. The love shared by the father and son was incredible. Even now, many of you may recall the love you received from your father; many others may miss his presence, his care, and love, his warmth, and gentle touch; many may never experience the love of a father; but God says, "I am the Father to the fatherless." (Psalm 68:5) From now on, you will be delighted by our heavenly father's love. He will look after you and love you more than your early father ever did.
C. He meets our requirements.
Luke 11 : (11-12) says, “Which of you fathers if your son asks for[a] a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
According to the Bible, God knows our needs before we ask him. Nonetheless, he insists that we ask him, just as we do our father. Many people believe that because God knows everything, he should give us everything without asking. However, as you begin to ask God for what you require, he listens and provides, and you enjoy the relationship. He encourages us to ask him through the Spirit of sonship that he bestowed upon us through the Lord Jesus Christ. And all who asks receives in double measure.
Caleb, the powerful man, and Joshua's friend announced the marriage of his daughter to the man who can capture Debir or Keriath – sepher. Othniel completed the task, and Caleb married his daughter to him, giving him the south portion of the land as a dowry. Achsah, Caleb's daughter, went to him, dissatisfied with his gifts, and asked for springs of water to irrigate the fields. Caleb gave Achsah the water springs she desired, as well as the upper and lower springs. She got twice as much because she asked her heart out.
Similarly, open your heart to God and tell him everything you desire. He will write it all down in his book and carry it out in your lives, making you happy.
Children's responsibilities to their parents
A child in the role is given certain responsibilities as well. Firstly, Colossian (3:20) states, “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” Every parent desire that their child is obedient. God expects us to be obedient to him as well.
Esau, Isaac's eldest son, married his first two wives, both of whom were Heth's daughters, against his parents' wishes. They were accused of being adulterous and idolatrous. Jacob, on the other hand, chose his wife from his mother's brother's family. Esau's simple act of disobedience caused a huge schism in the family His parents were heartbroken, and his wives had never respected or cared for them which brought grief to Isaac and Rebecca. For Rebekah, it is said that Esau’s wives made her life bitter and grievous. Many times, we feel that our parents limit our ability to make decisions for ourselves; we feel suffocated with fewer options. We even feel dominated and controlled by them which is not correct. God wants us to have everything we need, and so do our parents. We may not understand them at the time, but when we do, we feel it was said for our benefit.
Secondly, Bible says, “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise) “Ephesians (6:2) "Honor your father and mother," the commandment says. It appears frequently in the Bible. Respecting and appreciating them is what it means to honor them. We often say hurtful things to them that break their hearts. It hurts them when we do not uphold the values that they instilled in us.
Jacob's firstborn, Reuben, disobeyed and dishonored his father by sleeping with his concubine. He did so to gain a position and authority in the family. He planned it carefully and ruined her. And Jacob was well aware of the situation. As a result, on Jacob's deathbed, he cursed his son and took away his birthright.
2. Our King
The Prophet Isaiah tells us about His encounter with the King, which is useful in rebalancing our image of God: "The seraphim stood above him. Each had six wings: two for covering his face, two for covering his feet, and two for flying. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" exclaimed one. The foundations of the thresholds shook at the sound of his voice, and the house filled with smoke. "Woe is me!" I exclaimed.
When the prophet saw God, he exclaimed, "Woe is me!" It is worth noting that this realization of His unworthiness did not drive him away from God, but rather produced respect and reverence. This reminds us of a simple, yet humbling truth: we deserve nothing but wrath from God.
The fact that God is our Father does not negate the fact that He is also our King. We have a beautiful blend of both in God. I felt as if I had gone a little too far on the spectrum by focusing so intensely on God's father's heart. I'd lost some of the heaviness of God's holiness. I'd become a little lax in my thinking about obedience and faith. That when God says, "Do not eat from that tree," I am to respond, "Yes, sir."
God was the king of the Israelites, and it was his plan alone that brought them out of Egypt. He led them into the vast land of Canaan, which was abundant in goodness, with his mighty and outstretched arm. He dispersed their enemies, who were stronger than them, and gave them victory in all of their battles.
During the time of Prophet Samuel, however, they argued with him about giving them a flesh-and-blood king. They desired a mortal ruler with whom they could interact daily. They rejected God and his authority over them, and Samuel was forced to appoint a king. They had forgotten and were ungrateful for all the miracles that God had performed to deliver them from Egypt. As a result, God's heart was broken, and Samuel wept over their blunder. Nonetheless, God granted their request and gave the first king, Saul, who burdened his people and took their lands forcibly. However, God continues to reign. The abundance of the earth and everything in it is still his. Let us take a quick look at his kingdom's governance.
A, He is a king of Justice and truth.
Justice and judgment are the habitations of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. (Ps 89: 14) God is enthralled by justice and mercy. He revels in lawfully ruling his people. He is the King who ensures the happiness and satisfaction of the people. The life of King Solomon slightly gives us a representation of God's kingdom.
As Solomon sat on the throne, two mothers approached him with a problem. Each was a mother of a child, and one of the children had died. Each claimed to be the mother of the living baby. "All right, bring a sword and split the baby so each mother can have half," Solomon said. "OK, so neither of us gets to keep the baby," one mother explained. That's fine." "Give her the baby, but don't kill it," the other mother said. Solomon declared that the woman who wanted the baby to live, even if she was with the other woman, was the true mother.
If you haven't yet received your justice, remember that God, our king, will bring it to you. He will honor you and reveal your integrity in front of everyone. He will not abandon you until he has done the right thing in your life.
He is a King who is mighty in battle.
B, He protects his people.
The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. Ps 121:7
A king defends his people against the attacks and troubles of opposing kingdoms. He ensures that the people of his country are safe and peaceful. He even jeopardizes his life for their sake.
During Jehoshaphat's reign, the King of Judah, the Moabites, Ammonites, and some Meunites fought against him. They were a large group of people who came from Edom to attack the Israelites. When Jehoshaphat heard this, he became terrified and gathered the assembly in prayer. Instead of abandoning his people and saving his own life, he prayed to God with them.
The Lord listened to their prayers and delivered Judah. He set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah so that they were routed. For the men of Ammon and Moab rose against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, devoting them to destruction, and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they all helped to destroy one another. When Judah came to the watchtower of the wilderness, they looked toward the horde, and behold, there[e] were dead bodies lying on the ground; none had escaped.
Even on this day, let God be your Father and King, who will always be with you and your family. He will guide you and teach you the proper path to take. He will shield you from all harm and guide you safely.
Prayer: Malkeinu, Avinu Malkeinu, Lord, I appreciate your presence and acceptance of me as your son/daughter. Thank you for your love shown to me through the Lord Jesus Christ. I trust you and assure you that I will obey both you and my parents. I will live my life to honor and glorify you. Take charge of my life and assist me in walking it safely. I devote myself to you and love you above all else. Thank you for the peace you've given me. Be with me and protect me for the rest of my life. In the name of Jesus, amen!